Product Design Leader

Performance Dashboards

Information design and thought leadership


Performance Dashboards


Information design thought leadership and work examples


I love dashboards. A well designed one is as functional as it is beautiful, and creating a dashboard that is both is like solving an elaborate puzzle—and who doesn’t like a good puzzle? Dashboards should use data to tell a story that ultimately compels a user to take action. There is usually a few “correct” ways to accomplish this, but there are always many more incorrect ways. That’s where the puzzle lives. It’s in the pursuit of a correct solution, and finding it can be both challenging and rewarding.

One of the ways I’ve shared my passion is through a combined talk and workshop that I give to designers and non-designers. It’s called Performance Dashboards: How to design with data and inspire organizations to change. It covers key terms, introductory design principles, and the business of performance management, which looks at how dashboards are integrated into the organization they’re designed for. As important as it is to create one that tells a valuable story, it’s equally as important to think about the role it will play for the people and the business it serves.

About halfway through the workshop, I give the participants two design challenges and ask them to draw charts of their own. Reading a chart is one thing, but designing one is an entirely different experience. For many, it’s their first attempt at information design, and it can be a lot of fun to watch a roomful of people iterate toward that ‘ah ha’ moment.


From my talk and workshop, Performance Dashboards: How to design with data and inspire organizations to change


IBM Digital Marketing Dashboard

The IBM Digital Marketing Dashboard measures the performance of IBM’s sales pipeline by quarter. Its primary users are Digital Marketing Strategists and executives. In terms of the quantity of data and complexity of the business, it is one of the more challenging dashboards that I’ve designed. It was built in Cognos in 2012.


Havas Performance Dashboard

The Havas Performance Dashboard measures revenue by account against targets set by the business. Its primary users are Account Management professionals and executives. It was built in 2014.

Havas Performance Dashboard